Cerro Mesa and Garrapatero Beach Biking and Camping

Encuentra toda la esencia mágica de Galápagos en este tour a la Reserva Ecológica Cerro Mesa y playa Garrapatero . Deléitese con una vista increíble y llene sus pulmones de aire fresco mientras camina por el bosque nativo . No olvides mantener los ojos abiertos para ver pájaros pequeños y andar de puntillas cuando te acerques a la tortuga de Galápagos . Tome el pequeño sendero que conduce al fondo del sumidero más grande que se encuentra en la isla de Santa Cruz . Maravíllate con las empinadas paredes rocosas que te rodean. ¡Acampa bajo las estrellas y disfruta de una playa soleada al día siguiente!


2 day



Multiple Days


Naturalist Guide





Group Size


Key Features

  • The biggest sinkhole on Santa Cruz island.

  • Amazing views of the lower lands.

  • Endemic fauna and flora.

  • Camping gear and bicycle provided.

  • Kayaks available for rental.

From $ 260 / per person


Cerro Mesa está ubicado en las tierras altas de Santa Cruz . El recorrido lo llevará en bicicleta por la zona rural de Santa Cruz hacia la reserva. Una vez allí, sigue el camino hasta el fondo del sumidero . Camine hasta la cima de la colina en forma de mesa o tome el camino que rodea la reserva . Una carpa equipada con todos los suministros básicos estará esperando en el campamento al final del día. Si el tiempo lo permite, maravíllate con la belleza de una noche estrellada y disfruta del calor de la hoguera . A la mañana siguiente montamos nuestras bicicletas y tomamos el camino hacia la playa El Garrapatero .donde encontrarás flamencos, una playa de arena y aguas tranquilas.

The Cerro Mesa Reserve

The local family that owns the land works hard to restore the endemic forests that were almost lost to agriculture. That is what makes this place a little sanctuary to many species of native birds as well as the Galapagos tortoise. Camping amongst the native plants and wildlife will bring out your inner adventurous side as you enjoy some time with nature.

The View

The table-shaped hill gives the reserve its name. It is the place to be if you want to enjoy a delightful view. If the skies are clear, you are bound to see the neighboring islands as well.

The Giant sinkhole

Sinkholes are formed when huge lava chambers collapsed. Do not be fooled by its round shape, it is not a volcanic crater. Experience the sublime feeling of adventuring down the path that leads to the bottom of the wide sinkhole. A bed of green leaves awaits you. Make yourself comfortable and look around to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

Playa El Garrapatero

The Garrapatero beach gets its name after a bird introduced into the islands. This is the ideal place to enjoy yourself under the sun. Feel the refreshing water or simply take pleasure admiring the contrast of the green mangrove and the turquoise ocean. Kayaks are available for rental or, if you prefer to stay on land, head for the nearby lagoons. If you are lucky you will find the Galapagos flamingos there.

Camping Cerro Mesa

  • Biking
  • Trekking
  • Landscaping
  • Beach
View Itinerary Close Itinerary

Reserva Ecologica Cerro Mesa

9P47+96 El cascajo, Ecuador

couple cycling cerro mesa galapagos

We will ride our bikes for about an hour or two, depending on our speed. We will have the privilege to see an amazing view of the island’s shore while we ride up. When we arrive we will have an amazing lunch waiting for us.

After lunch we will get ready to walk around the reserve. We will trekk down a beautiful  sinkhole. Feel the peace and immensity of nature calling you.

campfire family friends galapagos

A cosy dinner will be waiting in the dining area and a warm fire when we get back to the camp site. Let’s enjoy some friendly time together.

We will wake up in a delightful forest and have a light breakfast. Get the bikes ready for some beach time. The ride to the beach will take about an hour. After a little walk we will find the amazing turquoise water to enjoy. In the afternoon, a car will pick us up to take us back to Puerto Ayora.

Travel Tip

El clima en las islas es generalmente cálido, pero hay algunos meses en los que llueve. Sería una buena idea traer una chaqueta para la lluvia. Por supuesto, no olvide su protector solar, lentes de sol, zapatos cómodos, bocadillos para el sendero y, por supuesto, una cámara. Además de la vista, hay una buena oportunidad para observar aves.

Este recorrido va desde el nivel del mar hasta una altura de 1100mts (3600 pies). Implica andar en bicicleta y escalar bastante empinados. El paseo en bicicleta durará alrededor de 2 a 3 horas en total y la caminata hasta el cráter será de aproximadamente 1 hora en ambos sentidos.

Se requiere nivel medio de ciclismo y conocimientos básicos de trekking.


Tour details.

Hotel Pick up
Departure Time
  • 9:00 am
Return Time
  • 2:00 pm
  • Bilingual guide

  • Breakfast

  • Transportation

  • Lunch

  • Dinner

  • Camping Equipment

  • Bikes

Not Included
  • Tips

SKU: GPS-CERRO-CAMP Destination: Activities: , , , , , ,


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Grace Cardenas

Travel Agent Expert