Gordon Rocks Dive Tour

Este podría considerarse uno de los lugares más desafiantes para bucear en Galápagos, pero al mismo tiempo, uno de los más bellos . Las Gordon Rocks son tres rocas de un antiguo volcán , con paredes verticales y corrientes descendentes muy interesantes. La segunda inmersión podría ser en algunos lugares diferentes cerca de North Plazas, Mosquera o North Seymour. Los animales pelágicos como tiburones y peces luna son la atracción principal, además de la presencia no inusual de algunos lobos marinos de Galápagos y tortugas marinas .


1 day



Full Day


Dive Guide


1 Snacks

1 Lunch

Group Size


Key Features

  • Hammerhead sharks

  • Sunfish

  • Galapagos fur seals

  • Galapagos sea turtles

From $ 295 / per person


Gordon Rocks es muy impresionante desde la distancia, es un lugar buscado por buceadores de nivel intermedio a avanzado por la alta biodiversidad y también por las corrientes . En este sitio se produce un continuo afloramiento local, que permite que agua nutritiva suba a la superficie aumentando la productividad y atrayendo varios animales a este famoso “restaurante”. Hay un grupo de lobos marinos y lobos marinos que también utilizan estas rocas como lugar de descanso. Las especies pelágicas solían merodear por estas rocas buscando alimento, las rocas de este lugar normalmente están cubiertas por algas, que es el principal alimento de las tortugas marinas . La abundancia de salpas y otras medusas también atrae al pez luna .

El apodo de este sitio es la “lavadora” , una vez que estás en el agua necesitas comenzar tu inmersión, hay muy poco tiempo para igualar, normalmente te agarras de las rocas apenas llegas a la plataforma debajo. Las corrientes descendentes pueden ser fuertes y es necesario controlar la flotabilidad y la profundidad. Es posible que tu tiempo bajo el agua sea corto si no controlas tu respiración.

Hammerhead shark

The most common hammerhead shark in Gordon rocks is the smooth (Sphyrna zygaena). The second-largest hammerhead (5m or 16 ft), after the great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran). The smooth one can form large schools (more than hundreds or even thousands). The head is flattened and laterally extended into a hammer shape without the irregularities in the middle of the front margin, the head margin is round instead of straight as the greatest hammerhead shark. They can migrate, especially during the summer. They are a top predator feeding on rays, bony fishes and invertebrates. This shark is viviparous and gives birth to 20 to 40 offspring. For divers is a unique experience to see these large schools, sadly this shark as others had been severely affected by illegal fishery, especially by the Asian ships that look to capture them just to use their valuable fins for making a shark fin soup. In the IUCN is cataloged as Vulnerable.


Also known as molas or oceanic sunfish. It's a very big fish (3.7 m or 10 ft.) with a small mouth. The shape of this fish is unique, the body is a deep oval, strongly compressed. Its mouth opens at the front, looking like a beak because of the compressed teeth. The dorsal and pelvic fins are tall and parallel to each other. The lateral fins are short and the caudal fin is a short rudder, convex and undulating edge. Its color can be brown to dark blue above, with large pale patches and silvery below, and dark fins. The sunfish is widely distributed in tropical to warm waters as its favorite prey: jellyfish. From the surface on a sunny day, you can see the tall dorsal fin A shape in a pendular movement side to side or lay on de surface.

Galapagos fur seal

Arctocephalus galapagoensis is the second endemic species of sea lion in the archipelago. It is not as common as the Galapagos sea lion. The main difference is the size, the fur seals are smaller than sea lions, even the males can be smaller than a female sea lion. The fur is fussy when they are dry, underwater you can notice the little stripes on its body because the fur seal has two kinds of fur (on strong and long hair, with much soft hair underneath) while the sea lions have only one kind. Fur seals also have bigger eyes, a pointed snout, and pointed ears to the side. This species is a nocturnal predator, during the day time can rest on rocks, cracks and in the water, especially during the hottest hours of the day. You can see them upside down asleep underwater with their back fins on the air (a thermoregulation behavior), sea lions thermoregulate with their dorsal fin. Fur seals are not as friendly as sea lions, they were hunted almost to extinction in the past, so they don't trust in us as the sea lion. However, in the tourist sites, they had been habituated to see people, so the young might get curious enough to dive with you.

Galapagos Sting Rays

In the enchanting waters of the Galapagos archipelago, the elusive beauty of Galapagos stingrays graces the ocean depths with its mesmerizing presence. Gliding gracefully through the crystal-clear waters, these majestic creatures showcase their elegant, undulating movements like underwater ballet. Adorned with distinctive patterns, their wings seem to dance in harmony with the currents. The Galapagos stingrays, with their ethereal grace, become living brushstrokes painting the aquatic canvas of the archipelago. Observing these gentle giants, one is captivated by the allure of their mystical dance, adding an extraordinary dimension to the unparalleled wonder that is the Galapagos Islands.

White Tip Sharks

In the azure embrace of the Galapagos seas, the ethereal presence of the White Tip Sharks emerges, casting a spell of awe and fascination. Graceful guardians of the archipelago's marine realm, these sleek predators navigate the currents with an elegance that belies their formidable nature. Cloaked in pristine white fin tips, they embody a serene and majestic force beneath the surface. The Galapagos White Tip Sharks, with their sinuous movements and distinctive markings, contribute to the mystical allure of these pristine waters. Encounter these enigmatic creatures, and be entranced by the ballet of the ocean's guardians in this untouched aquatic sanctuary.

Gordon Rocks Dive Tour

  • Up-Close Wildlife Encounters
  • World-Class Dive Sites
  • Unique Species
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Gordon Rocks Dive Site, Ecuador


On the day of your dive, normally you will start in the Dive Center before going by taxi or bus to the Itabaca Channel to get on board in a speedy boat. It takes about one hour to get to Gordon Rocks, depending on the sea conditions. After the first dive, you will get a snack. The second dive site is between 7 to 10 minutes away. At the end of the second dive, you will have lunch on board, and finally, you will return to the Itabaca Channel or to Puerto Ayora.

Travel Tip

El orden de los sitios de buceo puede cambiar, dependiendo del itinerario de embarcación autorizado por el Parque Nacional Galápagos.

Para bucear aquí necesitas tener un mínimo de 25 inmersiones, este sitio es conocido como la “lavadora” por una razón, así que si eres un buceador experimentado pero no has buceado por un tiempo, prueba primero en otro sitio.

El día antes de la inmersión, deberás acudir al Centro de Buceo para obtener toda la información para probar y preparar tu equipo, y para firmar el formulario de autorización deberás traer tu certificado de buceo. Además, consulta la previsión meteorológica para poder llevar la ropa adecuada al día siguiente.

El día de tu viaje es importante llevar suficiente protección solar: gafas de sol, camisa de manga larga, gorra y bloqueador solar. También es fácil ponerse el traje de baño y traer ropa extra seca para cambiarse. Para este sitio, recomendamos traer una cámara de buceo que pueda acoplarse a su cuerpo.

Recuerde siempre que las corrientes pueden ser fuertes y desafiantes.


Tour details.

Dive Center
Departure Time
  • 7:00 am
Return Time
  • 5:00 pm
  • Bilingual guide

  • Transportation

  • Lunch

  • Snack

  • Scuba gear

  • Two inmersions

  • 5 -7 mm wetsuit, regulator, BCD, mask, fins, boots, hood, gloves, weigh belt and 12 lt. air tank

  • Certified Guide

  • Check Dive

Not Included
  • Extra drinks

  • Tips

  • Nitrox tank (you need to present a certification)

  • DIN adapter

  • Private guide

  • Extra air tank

Meeting point

Centro de Buceo

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Grace Cardenas

Travel Agent Expert